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Your privacy is important to us and the information below advises you of the way we use your information that is provided on our website (

Information Collected

Unless you choose to fill out the “Contact Us” form and providing your name, email address, phone, address and state or you sign up to our “Newsletter” and provide your email address, we do not collect any other personally identifiable information about you. We may, however, collect non-personally identifiable information such as browser type, operating system, domain name etc.

Information Used

We use non-personally identifiable information to analyse site usage and improve services, such as information on the pages visited, click-throughs etc. We use personally identifiable information to contact you and respond to your enquiry and/or send our regular Newsletter once signed up. Any information provided will be shared within the BOFElectrix. We will not contact you about other matters unless requested. We will not share, sell or rent your personally identifiable information outside BOFElectrix. It is possible, although unlikely, that BOFElectrix may be required to disclose personally identifiable information in relation to a legal matter or when we believe the law requires it e.g. law enforcement agency request, subpoena, court order response etc. BOFElectrix cannot guarantee that any personally identifiable information provided over the web may not be collected in transit by others including but not limited to contractors providing services to BOFElectrix.

Security Commitment

BOFElectrix implements security measures to avoid unauthorised access to client information collected on the web, however, we cannot guarantee security of personal information.

Policy Revision

BOFElectrix reserves the right to revise and amend all or part of this policy at any given time.